
Leave your message

Back in the old days of the web, we had guestbooks. It was a more independent, thoughtful and personal web. And quirky too. The IndieWeb is bringing back the good stuff. Sign below, and if you have your own guestbook let me know—I will soon start linking to others on this page.

This is your name as it will appear publicly in the guestbook. You can fill it in, leave it blank or make up a pseudonym.
This is a link to your website (or e-mail) as it will appear publicly with your name—so long as your filled in your name. Please include the ‘https://’ for links.

Thank you for signing

    I love your writing V! I am thankful for it.

    P.S. Your blog’s design is brilliant


    I really like your blog. It has a calming atmosphere. I’ve just discovered this place. I think I’ll be around for a long time.

    İsmail Şevik

    Love you website V! Love the design and also your writing. Lot of inspirations for my blog!

    Rishikesh Sreehari

    Hi! You have an incredible website, full of interesting things. An interesting personal site is an interesting life. You inspired me with some of the design decisions on my own website. I like your menu, the shortcuts, and the roundrects.


    I’ve been a subscriber for over five years now and your writing is something I continue to look forward to. Keep it coming!


    I can’t remember when or how I stumbled on your blog but it’s been on my reading list ever since. Love your posts, love your style, love that you’re not afraid of exploring different topics, and also love your photos.

    Definitely need to have you as a guest on P&B at some point!


    Awesome website, V! Had a great time reading your essays, and look forward to your newsletter too.
