
No. 112
Setting up Zotero with WebDAV
No. 111
Is that you?
No. 110
A quick guide to self-hosting Actual Budget
No. 109
An exercise in restraint
No. 108
Blogs did not break the web
No. 107
Relics of the future
No. 106
Tracking broad data
No. 105
On the importance of friction
No. 104
What is your belief system?
No. 103
Emacs and mu4e e-mail on macOS
No. 102
Effort and return in technology
No. 101
A stroll through Bristol
No. 100
Outdoor smoking areas
No. 99
Assorted rituals
No. 98
Music as a creative environment
No. 97
Why I write
No. 96
When web accessibility felt restrictive
No. 95
We should use markdown more
No. 94
Zettelkasten redux
No. 93
New design
No. 92
Scraping the web for AI development is theft
No. 91
Digital relationships
No. 90
What makes a great camera?
No. 89
The table ranking system in football is flawed
No. 88
How to build a zettelkasten system
No. 87
Galileo’s letter to Duchess Christina
No. 86
Good and bad things on the internet
No. 85
Daylight saving time explained
No. 84
Review: Trek Dual Sport 2 hybrid bike
No. 83
How I organise and manage my e-mails
No. 82
To complain is human
No. 81
Barbie’s world should not be dreamland
No. 80
The perfect social network will not build itself
No. 79
Against the NOTA vote
No. 78
Why Silicon Valley Bank failed
No. 77
Superhero fatigue or poor screenwriting?
No. 76
On legality and morality
No. 75
Choosing a body typeface
No. 74
The White Lotus: Season 2
No. 73
The White Lotus
No. 72
Where did our dreams go?
No. 71
The Twitter files: lessons in wading through nonsense
No. 70
Mastodon: the future of the internet
No. 69
Traffic in Mumbai
No. 68
Why some of us like true crime
No. 67
Conscious eco-capitalism
No. 66
Lessons in familiarity
No. 66
Animal sports should be regulated or stopped
No. 64
Euro 2020—the fantastic way
No. 63
Mastering Focus on iOS 15
No. 62
Birthday resolutions
No. 61
Hunting down the real Aspasia
No. 60
The case against nihilism
No. 59
Leaving home
No. 58
Battling COVID-19
No. 57
Jeep Compass
No. 56
Random acts of kindness
No. 55
Star Trek: Picard
No. 54
Dispatch from Rhûn—a new newsletter
No. 53
No. 52
The future of our world—II
No. 51
A call for sanity
No. 50
The art of meditation
No. 49
The future of our world—I
No. 48
No. 47
COVID-19 and the bright side of humanity's capacity for survival
No. 46
The trouble with FIRE
No. 45
Attention Management
No. 44
Star Trek: Discovery is an operatic nod to TOS and TNG
No. 43
U and non-U english in the 21st century
No. 42
It is time to bring back the wax seal
No. 41
The subtle art of not giving a book
No. 40
On the by-election in Karnataka in The Indian Express
No. 39
Tame your tech
No. 38
The iPad-only experiment, redux
No. 37
Random approaches to better living
No. 36
Dispatch From Kozhikode
No. 35
On dynastic politics in India in The Indian Express
No. 34
On the smoke monster and other elements of ‘Lost’
No. 33
Google should turn off AMP
No. 32
Karnataka crisis: This sham must stop in Deccan Herald
No. 31
Apple Watch Series 4
No. 30
Lessons from building my first app ever
No. 29
Secrets of staying motivated
No. 28
The GitHub experience
No. 27
A guide to living in the present
No. 26
In random conversations with farmers
No. 25
No. 24
What happens when our virtual selves take us over
No. 23
Improving and expanding Dogme Teaching
No. 22
The layman’s perspective
No. 21
Vergangenheitsbewältigung is the need of the hour
No. 20
macOS for physicists
No. 19
The trouble with Google Search
No. 18
On entropy, randomness and shuffling a playlist
No. 17
The mathematics of a medical second opinion
No. 16
How the far right became popular
No. 16
A drive through China–Lanka
No. 14
Installing gnuplot on macOS
No. 13
A eulogy for my grandfather
No. 12
A new LaTeX class for lecture notes
No. 11
We must all sleep more
No. 10
P. Chidambaram at Mysore Literature Festival
No. 9
Quiet reflections on unplugging from society
No. 8
In praise of coursebooks
No. 7
What does it mean to be educated?
No. 6
Internet pollution
No. 5
The purpose of a photograph
No. 4
No. 3
Information overload and an overly social web
No. 2
Making a case for the liberal arts
No. 1
Our universe: marble or wood?