
No. 68
Plain text in academia
No. 67
Footnotes on the web
No. 66
The website as a book
No. 65
Statamic Webmentions v2.0
No. 64
Moving from iA Writer to BBEdit
No. 63
The Contrarians
No. 62
IndieWeb Carnival Jan ’25 round-up
No. 61
One-a-month club
No. 60
Webmentions add-on for Statamic
No. 59
Website v app
No. 58
Drama at WordPress
No. 57
That picture
No. 56
IndieWeb Carnival Jan ’25
No. 55
AI-generated images on the web
No. 54
On coffee and Satan
No. 53
The disappearance of literary men
No. 52
Robert Paxton: Fascism renewed
No. 51
Will the US elect a woman?
No. 50
Carl Hoffman on Michael Rockefeller’s disappearance
No. 49
A note on my absence
No. 48
Erik Hoel on AI ‘garbage’
No. 47
Guinea pigs and trailblazers
No. 46
Emacs packages
No. 45
Formulating backlashes
No. 44
Getting into the world of emacs
No. 43
Default apps (2024)
No. 42
The theme switcher conundrum
No. 41
Bill chill
No. 40
All academic disciplines should should use LaTeX
No. 39
Nolan v Reeves
No. 38
I will read it
No. 37
Rock music from 1984
No. 36
Religious intolerance in India
No. 35
Peggy McIntosh on white privilege
No. 34
“Carrie” by VocalType
No. 33
Rules for writing fiction
No. 32
It’s time AI crawlers are forced to accept terms of use on all websites
No. 31
NYT suing OpenAI is a good thing
No. 30
Are State-sponsored ride-hailing apps the answer? Maybe
No. 30
“Make 2024 the year of the personal website” —Matthias Ott
No. 28
A lesson in overpopulation and toilet-clogging
No. 27
Banksy on migration
No. 26
Cyclists on city roads
No. 25
Chuck Close on inspiration
No. 24
Accusation should not prevent election participation
No. 23
Instagram co-founders to step down from the company
No. 22
India strikes down law against gay sex
No. 21
Cold turkey, part 2
No. 20
Prison should be for rehabilitation, not confinement
No. 19
Reading 50 books at once
No. 18
Pollution, by the people, against the people
No. 17
Lying becomes easier with time
No. 16
On bias in Facebook trending topics
No. 15
Saying Julius Caesar
No. 14
Moving to Byword and eternal bliss
No. 13
Expectations from iOS 10 default apps
No. 12
US elections 2016: between a rock and a hard place
No. 11
Twitter is replacing favourite with heart
No. 10
Inbox zero: updates
No. 9
Greenpeace freeze
No. 8
Inbox zero, step one: unsubscribe
No. 7
Practise web introversion
No. 6
R. Flanagan, Merkel and refugees, and more
No. 5
The other face of oil
No. 4
Cold turkey
No. 3
How many social networks are you on? Why?
No. 2
We live in a pinball machine
No. 1
The internet is about differentiation