
Notes from academic lectures, and select presentations and handbooks, all from classes previously taught

The lecture notes on this page (see below) cover all or parts of classes I taught where these notes were either handed out to students as supplementary reading material or simply made for my own convenience when teaching a paper. They have, however, been edited to add ample exposition since the original talk notes were largely just equations after equations. Some may be updated/improved over time while others may only be a first draft; the latest versions of these notes will be available on this page for anyone interested in using them for either reference or learning.

2020 Update. A new Github repo has been opened, with several of these notes and their source files, where you can contribute directly by making changes and quickly submitting a pull request.

You may notice that older notes have been laid out differently. Newer ones use my LaTeX lecture class and have a more consistent tone. The lecture class is available for free on Github if you wish to use it yourself; if you wish to help develop it, please feel free to fork it or just send me an e-mail with your suggestions. (Read more further down this page.)