Notes from academic lectures, and select presentations and handbooks, all from classes previously taught
The lecture notes on this page (see below) cover all or parts of classes I taught where these notes were either handed out to students as supplementary reading material or simply made for my own convenience when teaching a paper. They have, however, been edited to add ample exposition since the original talk notes were largely just equations after equations. Some may be updated/improved over time while others may only be a first draft; the latest versions of these notes will be available on this page for anyone interested in using them for either reference or learning.
You may notice that older notes have been laid out differently. Newer ones use my LaTeX lecture
class and have a more consistent tone. The lecture
class is available for free on Github if you wish to use it yourself; if you wish to help develop it, please feel free to fork it or just send me an e-mail with your suggestions. (Read more further down this page.)
Analytical mechanics
- Mechanics of a system of particles
- Generalised coördinates and D’Alembert’s principle
- The principle of least action and Lagrange’s equations
- Some cases of Lagrange’s equations
- Introduction to Hamiltonian mechanics
- Some cases of Hamilton’s equations
- Canonical transformations Shelved, stop e-mailing me about this
- Poisson brackets
- The Hamilton–Jacobi method
- Small oscillations
Solid state physics
- Lattice vibrations in one dimension
- X-ray diffraction by crystals
- Extrinsic semiconductors
- The Hall effect and cyclotron resonance
- Luminescence
- Liquid crystals
Classical electrodynamics
Astrophysics and cosmology
- An overview of co-ordinate systems
- Tensor preliminaries for relativity (WIP)
- Spacetime
- Four-vectors
- Motivations for a general theory
- The Fermi gas model
- Introduction to nuclear reactions
- Introduction to Raman spectroscopy
- Introduction to electronics and circuits
- The LaTeX handbook
- The pocket guide to gnuplot
- Some C programs related to physics and the source .tex file
- C Programming Archived temporarily