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    7 Practise web introversion

    It is high time people stopped flipping out their phones, typing everything they feel and sharing it on the web.

    When we said it’s nice and useful and thought-provoking and beneficial to hear someone else’s thoughts, we didn’t mean every single twitch of your neurons, just the really weighty ones you’d be proud to share aloud to a room full of people.

    Social media feeds on the mob. If we abandon it, it will die out and things will be fine again. Now that is one view and an unnecessarily harsh one. Social media has its uses and its place. But this is precisely also how we can use it against its negatives. If social media thrives on the mob and in turn on our sharing, we can do a whole lot of good by simply maintaining radio silence against the negatives and having drum rolls for the positives. In this simple manner, the network goes from living off its users to living for its users.

    The problem with sharing online is that since you’re alone while hitting send, you’re tricking your mind into thinking it’s just like thinking your thoughts, with yourself, alone in a room, just because there’s no other physical presence. It’s going to take at least one more generation born into this technology revolution (if you could even call it that) to train your mind into comparing online sharing to sharing publicly rather than wishfully within a small group.

    Times, they are a-changing.

    This is a note: a brief thought or notable piece of information from my commonplace book. For longer writings, please turn to the ‘Essays’ section.
    Published on Wednesday, 9th September 2015.

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