What’s new
Regular reader or first-time visitor, you can now leave an old-school internet note on this website.
Note No. 68
Plain text in academia
Essay No. 112
Setting up Zotero with WebDAV
Essay No. 111
Is that you?
Note No. 67
Footnotes on the web
Essay No. 110
A quick guide to self-hosting Actual Budget
Note No. 66
The website as a book
Note No. 65
Statamic Webmentions v2.0
Note No. 64
Moving from iA Writer to BBEdit
Note No. 63
The Contrarians
Note No. 62
IndieWeb Carnival Jan ’25 round-up
Essay No. 109
An exercise in restraint
Note No. 61
One-a-month club
Essay No. 108
Blogs did not break the web
Note No. 60
Webmentions add-on for Statamic
Note No. 59
Website v app
Note No. 58
Drama at WordPress
Newsletter No. 24
The self-help industry
Essay No. 107
Relics of the future
Essay No. 106
Tracking broad data
Note No. 57
That picture
Essay No. 105
On the importance of friction
Note No. 56
IndieWeb Carnival Jan ’25
Newsletter No. 23
The meaning of ‘knowing’
Note No. 55
AI-generated images on the web
Essay No. 104
What is your belief system?
Note No. 54
On coffee and Satan
Note No. 53
The disappearance of literary men
Note No. 52
Robert Paxton: Fascism renewed
Note No. 51
Will the US elect a woman?
Essay No. 103
Emacs and mu4e e-mail on macOS
Essay No. 102
Effort and return in technology
Newsletter No. 22
Is preservation tantamount to celebration?
Essay No. 101
A stroll through Bristol
Note No. 50
Carl Hoffman on Michael Rockefeller’s disappearance
Essay No. 100
Outdoor smoking areas