Webmentions add-on for Statamic

This website runs on Statamic and for a long time I have wanted to wrangle a way of displaying webmentions here. There were few options besides self-hosting an endpoint and coding json receptions by hand. The most promising of the lot was a Webmentions add-on by Matt Rothenberg but with Matt unable to dedicate time to develop it the add-on had started to show a few errors during installation and use.

As of today I am glad to say I have taken over development of the add-on, thanks to Matt kindly agreeing to transfer ownership of the repo. It is available to install via composer:

composer require vhbelvadi/webmentions

You can also find the add-on on Github as well as on the Statamic marketplace. I do not have a roadmap in place for future development just yet but issues, pull requests etc. are all welcome via Github although I am unable to offer more direct support.

17.01.25 technology

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