What’s new
Regular reader or first-time visitor, you can now leave an old-school internet note on this website.
Essay No. 99
Assorted rituals
Note No. 49
A note on my absence
Newsletter No. 21
How to use AI to ensure a more human society
Note No. 48
Erik Hoel on AI ‘garbage’
Essay No. 98
Music as a creative environment
Essay No. 97
Why I write
Note No. 47
Guinea pigs and trailblazers
Essay No. 96
When web accessibility felt restrictive
Bookshelf No. 21
Confessions of an economic hitman by John Perkins
Note No. 46
Emacs packages
Note No. 45
Formulating backlashes
Note No. 44
Getting into the world of emacs
Essay No. 95
We should use markdown more
Newsletter No. 20
The dark side of philanthropy
Essay No. 94
Zettelkasten redux
Note No. 43
Default apps (2024)
Note No. 42
The theme switcher conundrum
Note No. 41
Bill chill
Note No. 40
All academic disciplines should should use LaTeX
Essay No. 93
New design
Note No. 39
Nolan v Reeves
Newsletter No. 19
Digital relationships
Essay No. 92
Scraping the web for AI development is theft
Essay No. 91
Digital relationships
Note No. 38
I will read it
Note No. 37
Rock music from 1984
Note No. 36
Religious intolerance in India
Note No. 35
Peggy McIntosh on white privilege
Note No. 34
“Carrie” by VocalType
Newsletter No. 18
Form and content
Note No. 33
Rules for writing fiction
Note No. 32
It’s time AI crawlers are forced to accept terms of use on all websites
Note No. 31
NYT suing OpenAI is a good thing
Note No. 30
Are State-sponsored ride-hailing apps the answer? Maybe
Note No. 30
“Make 2024 the year of the personal website” —Matthias Ott