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    18 Pollution, by the people, against the people

    Delhi recently imposed what they called "emergency" measures to combat hazardous smog. Nobody as yet knows what the measures are. The Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal, simply says urgent measures need to be taken. And the people say this—

    Hundreds of people, including children, on Sunday staged a protest in New Delhi over the worsening air quality, demanding immediate and effective steps from authorities.

    They must realise that it's not the government that pollutes and it's certainly not the government that can unilaterally fight to reduce pollution. The people will have to play a bigger part.

    Also, the alternate-day car usage policy that the city-state had implemented sometime last year has been declared by its authorities as worthless. Road space rationing is a technique which has worked in Beijing, Paris, Bogota, Athens etc., particularly for two different reasons (the other being traffic congestion) so maybe one must look at this as a issue not with the solution, but with its implementation.

    This is a note: a brief thought or notable piece of information from my commonplace book. For longer writings, please turn to the ‘Essays’ section.
    Published on Monday, 7th November 2016.

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