Issue 1 — 05.05.20

Dispatch from Rhûn

Thank you for subscribing to Dispatch from Rhûn.

For ten years and exactly 100 issues I wrote a newsletter called Briefings. It was extremely well-received and carried interesting links along with recommendations of books, music and podcasts every month. At 100 issues I decided to make things a little better and Dispatch from Rhûn was the result.

The newsletter you have subscribed to (thank you, by the way) is much more refined: it is shorter, more meaningful, more useful, reads like a letter, and speaks to you on a more personal level. It will still carry the same great reading, book, music and podcast recommendations with various musings about our evolving societies.

We live in an age of information excess and what content we choose to consume matters. As a subscriber you can rest assured that this is kept in mind when every issue of Dispatch from Rhûn is penned and mailed. In fact, newsletters are ideal to ensure you consume meaningful content and fight the noise of the social web. If you haven’t read it already, please take a look at the three reasons why newsletters are more relevant today than ever before.

So far you’ve read exactly 200 words. Most issues will be about as long as this one, rarely going beyond 300 words. You can look forward to receiving a new issue of Dispatch from Rhûn every month, and if there’s a month were I have nothing of value to share, you won’t receive an issue. It’s that simple; your time is respected.

Once again, thank you so much for subscribing. I’m confident you’ll enjoy every issue that comes your way. And if you’re wondering what Rhûn is, you’re in for a ride.



You just read Issue #1 of Confluence. If you liked it, there is more—browse the archives. New issues are sent out roughly every fortnight. Please consider subscribing.