Issue 3 — 21.06.20

Three people you should meet

Let’s get right down to business.

Our world is a strange one; it is so strange that The New York Times believes we need to understand Mark Zuckerberg to understand the world. His infamous company directly or indirectly dictates what people across the world (and subsequently governments) see, hear, think and decide.

In Inside Mark Zuckerberg’s brain, The Times’ technology reporter Mike Isaac explains how Mr Zuckerberg is seizing opportunities during the ongoing pandemic to prove Facebook’s usefulness and how he’s afraid of being usurped—especially by competitors from outside the US.


The monobloc chair

A bite-sized documentary on a mundane, ‘context-free’ object: the plastic chair that is so common across the world we often just ignore its existence altogether.

Watch now →


The myth of the golden age of reading

Amidst dark digital-age arguments that our attention span is dwindling and that reading is becoming a dying habit, in ‌What we talk about when we talk about books author ‌Leah Price bursts a fine bubble: there never was a ‘golden age of reading’. Rather than darken things, she explains why the obstacles the reading habit faces are not new, and shows how reading was, is and will be just fine.

If you don’t have time for the book, you can read her insightful and engaging interview with Prospect magazine.


Down the rabbit hole

YouTube is a hotbed for gore, violence and, above all, extremely trusty-looking misinformation campaigns. And the woman in charge of cleaning things up is Susan Wojcicki (woe-jis-key). In this timely episode of Rabbit hole, she discusses the company’s efforts towards keeping things tidy on the world’s largest video empire.

Listen now →

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