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Open guestbook

Note No. 24
Accusation should not prevent election participation
Note No. 23
Instagram co-founders to step down from the company
Note No. 22
India strikes down law against gay sex
Note No. 21
Cold turkey, part 2
Note No. 20
Prison should be for rehabilitation, not confinement
Note No. 19
Reading 50 books at once
Bookshelf No. 3
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
Essay No. 23
Improving and expanding Dogme Teaching
Essay No. 22
The layman’s perspective
Essay No. 21
Vergangenheitsbewältigung is the need of the hour
Essay No. 20
macOS for physicists
Essay No. 19
The trouble with Google Search
Essay No. 18
On entropy, randomness and shuffling a playlist
Essay No. 17
The mathematics of a medical second opinion
Essay No. 16
How the far right became popular
Essay No. 16
A drive through China–Lanka
Essay No. 14
Installing gnuplot on macOS
Essay No. 13
A eulogy for my grandfather
Essay No. 12
A new LaTeX class for lecture notes
Essay No. 11
We must all sleep more
Essay No. 10
P. Chidambaram at Mysore Literature Festival
Bookshelf No. 2
A criminal defense by William L. Myers, Jr
Essay No. 9
Quiet reflections on unplugging from society
Essay No. 8
In praise of coursebooks
Essay No. 7
What does it mean to be educated?
Bookshelf No. 1
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Essay No. 6
Internet pollution
Essay No. 5
The purpose of a photograph
Essay No. 4
Note No. 18
Pollution, by the people, against the people
Essay No. 3
Information overload and an overly social web
Note No. 17
Lying becomes easier with time
Note No. 16
On bias in Facebook trending topics
Essay No. 2
Making a case for the liberal arts
Note No. 15
Saying Julius Caesar