Since 2015 this section has gathered my ‘notes’: brief thoughts or reflections recorded for being meaningful or as a means of bookmarking or sharing things of interest. For longer writings please visit the essays section

NYT suing OpenAI is a good thing
“Make 2024 the year of the personal website” —Matthias Ott
Are State-sponsored ride-hailing apps the answer? Maybe
A lesson in overpopulation and toilet-clogging
Banksy on migration
Cyclists on city roads
Chuck Close on inspiration
Accusation should not prevent election participation
Instagram co-founders to step down from the company
India strikes down law against gay sex
Cold turkey, part 2
Prison should be for rehabilitation, not confinement
Reading 50 books at once
Pollution, by the people, against the people
Lying becomes easier with time
On bias in Facebook trending topics
Saying Julius Caesar
Moving to Byword and eternal bliss
Expectations from iOS 10 default apps
US elections 2016: between a rock and a hard place
Twitter is replacing favourite with heart
Inbox zero: updates
Greenpeace freeze
Inbox zero, step one: unsubscribe
Practise web introversion